Our Recycle & Refill program is designed to reduce our single-use packaging and container waste. When you have finished using any of our candles, room mists and roll-on fragrance serums, you’ll receive a 30% discount on your “refill” order for that same product.
We’ll make your refill order in your returned container and then post it back to you in the box you sent it to us in. So nothing goes to waste.
After you’ve finished your candle, room mist or roll-on serum, wrap it carefully in a protective layer, put it in a sturdy box and make sure it fits snugly. If you’ve kept the original packaging box you could put it back in there.
Mail it to: The Raconteur
The Raconteur 5 Morrison Street Hobart 7000 Tasmania
Please also send an email to admin@theraconteur.co confirming which items you have posted to us, your name, address and mobile number.
We’ll confirm receipt and then provide you with a special discount code to use at checkout.
After you’ve placed your refill order we’ll then make up a replacement candle in your candle jar (or room mist vessel or roll-on serum). The one we make will be the same type as the one you originally bought. We’ll aim to make the replacement within 4 weeks of receipt.
Candles need to sit and “cure” for at least a week once fragrance has been added. We’ll dispatch your refilled candle once that process is complete. Your room mist or roll-on serum will be dispatched immediately after it’s refilled (there’s no cure period).