Ladies Lounge ~ a victory lap


Artist and curator Kirsha Kaechele’s tremendously lavish space welcomes ladies for a final month of celebration and indulgence—where you become part of a living installation—before the Lounge leaves Mona forever. She’s even letting some boys in, for domestic arts lessons and other reparations.

Originally created in 2020 in homage to Kirsha’s great-grandmother Tootsie, the Lounge is an oasis amidst the art, architecture and male hubris of Mona—a haven of priceless treasures and enlightened conversation where the only man present is the butler, who does as he’s told.

In 2024, following a lengthy legal process which saw the artwork subject to an anti-discrimination complaint (brought forward by a man), a tribunal ruled that the Ladies Lounge must ‘cease refusing entry to persons who do not identify as ladies’. Kaechele opted to close the Lounge instead of opening it to men.

She then donned her power suit and pearls to appeal the case in the Supreme Court of Tasmania, where the original ruling was overturned. In celebration, the Lounge will open for a victory lap before moving on from Mona. Men are (still) not permitted, though the opportunity to be of service will be available to a select few, if they queue nicely.